Shoppable recipe inspiration

Direct conversion to the shopping basket of your store.

Single click recipe shopping

Every day, consumers face the challenge of deciding what to eat. The internet is the primary source of cooking inspiration, with supermarket websites, food blogs, and brand websites taking the lead. We can bring all these channels together to your store’s shopping basket and enhance the online shopping experience. Thanks to our advanced technology, consumers can effortlessly add the ingredients of any online recipe to their shopping basket with just one click. This convenient service not only saves them 80 clicks per recipe but also drives high-value, ready-to-buy traffic directly to your store. We offer two Recipe-to-Basket services to cater to your needs: one for your owned media and another for third-party media.

Pumpkin salad


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Supermarket products

- Recipe to Basket for owned media -

Unlock the full potential of your own recipes

Today's consumers expect seamless shopping experiences, also when it comes to browsing and cooking with your online recipes. Meet this demand and drive direct conversions from your very own recipes. Our AI-supported algorithms carefully translate each recipe ingredient into the most relevant product from your assortment. This fully automated process takes into account quantities, daily availability, and promotions, ensuring optimal ingredient-to-product matching. Sit back and relax as we provide a hassle-free service for both you and your customers. Curious to learn more about how our solution can revolutionise your recipe conversion rate?

Pumpkin salad


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5 Products

Supermarket products

- Recipe to Basket for third party media -

Unlock the full potential of third party recipes

Food blogs dominate recipe search results, captivating millions of people with their culinary inspiration. We're here to help you tap into this vast potential seamlessly. Our software places buy buttons directly on popular food blogs. With just a click, recipe ingredients are transformed into the corresponding products that consumers can instantly add to their online shopping baskets at your store. But that's not all—we take care of all the communication with food influencers and their management. From handling technical aspects to addressing commercial, financial, or administrative inquiries, so you can focus on what you do best. Are you curious about the untapped potential of connecting with external food inspiration sources in your country?

Pumpkin salad


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Supermarket products

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